Livestream from Brussels
Thu 20 May '21
19.30 - 21.00
We are building!
Major challenges and ambitious plans are emerging thick and fast. But how do we shift from 'paper' analyses and intentions to achieving structural and qualitative changes in our neighbourhood, society and economy? How do we overcome this together?
On may 20 we will launch The Great Transformation, an independent learning environment, incubator and public programme. Enterprising citizens, governments, businesses, financiers, scientists and organisations will work on actual breakthroughs and achievements. Using design and the power of the imagination, we are forming coalitions and formulating strategic sites that can be achieved on a huge scale between now and 2030.
What is the indignation and shared commitment behind The Great Transformation? We launch the online platform with innovative practices that form the Building Blocks for Future Places and Portraits that depict transitions from an eye-level perspective. We reflect on how to proceed.
A conversation with Koen Schoors (UGent), Griet Celen (VLM), Mieke Debruyne (Woestijnvis), Floris Alkemade (Chief Government Architect of the Netherlands) and Joachim Declerck (Architecture Workroom Brussels) about the (online) workspace of The Great Transformation.