The Great Transformation 2020–2030 is an independent learning environment, incubator and public programme. Entrepreneurial citizens, governments, businesses, impact investors, scientists and organisations work on actual breakthroughs and achievements. Using design and the power of the imagination, we are forming coalitions and formulate strategic projects that can be developed between now and 2030.
As a non-profit and future-oriented initiative by a growing group of actors possessing different expertise and occupying a range of social positions we are looking for people and parties who want to get involved. We are seeking funding so we can take action in the coming decade. During a ten-year period, we will gather knowledge and bundle it in an online knowledge library. We will learn from relevant practices, set up investment programmes and create the places of the future!
We believe in the development of a multitude of local projects. This allows people to take ownership and enables us to tackle the challenges while taking action. The transformation of our spatial environment provides the context to change behaviour, create new economic chains or establish new partnerships. If we set up a multitude of projects at the same time, we can achieve unparalleled acceleration. Many small-scale initiatives will collectively form the greatest transformation project of our time.
Through discussions and work sessions, we have outlined the first set of Future Places we want to build on. We were able to launch this initiative thanks to the efforts of many people. We are extremely grateful to everyone who has contributed in recent months. The collective agenda of The Great Transformation was drawn up in association with the Project Agency , which includes people with different expertise and backgrounds.
Architecture Workroom Brussels facilitates this non-profit initiative with the support of the Flemish Government, the Brussels-Capital Region, the Dutch Government and the New European Bauhaus.
The project agency is the multidisciplinary and incremental group of experts who took the initiative and served as a soundboard for the start-up of De Grote Verbouwing.
Architecture Workroom Brussels facilitates this non-profit initiative with the support of the Flemish Government, the Brussels-Capital Region, the Dutch Government and the New European Bauhaus.
An open initiative by:
Ruben Baetens, Griet Celen, Bart Corijn, Michiel Dehaene, Guy Gypens, Bart Henssen, Peter Van Humbeek, Jo Huygh, Jo Libeer, Maarten Van Leest, Klaas Nijs, Stijn Oosterlynck, Filip De Rynck, Koen Schoors, Ignace Schops, Philippe Vandenbroeck, Maarten Vanthemsche, Jorn Verbeeck, Yves De Weerdt (projectbureau) – Mieke Debruyne (Woestijnvis, journalist/filmmaker) – Birgit De Clerck, Bert Smits (Tweeperenboom, facilitatie visievorming) – Kurt Peleman (The Pond and the Waterfalls, procesfacilitatie) – Sara Leroy, Serafina Van Godtsenhoven, Alice Devenyns, Hedwig van der Linden, Lene De Vrieze, Hanne Mangelschots, Bram Vandemoortel, Caroline Van Eccelpoel, Roeland Dudal, Joachim Declerck (Architecture Workroom Brussels, concept en content development)
Ruben Baetens, Griet Celen, Bart Corijn, Michiel Dehaene, Guy Gypens, Bart Henssen, Peter Van Humbeek, Jo Huygh, Jo Libeer, Maarten Van Leest, Klaas Nijs, Stijn Oosterlynck, Filip De Rynck, Koen Schoors, Ignace Schops, Philippe Vandenbroeck, Maarten Vanthemsche, Jorn Verbeeck, Yves De Weerdt (projectbureau) – Mieke Debruyne (Woestijnvis, journalist/filmmaker) – Birgit De Clerck, Bert Smits (Tweeperenboom, facilitatie visievorming) – Kurt Peleman (The Pond and the Waterfalls, procesfacilitatie) – Sara Leroy, Serafina Van Godtsenhoven, Alice Devenyns, Hedwig van der Linden, Lene De Vrieze, Hanne Mangelschots, Bram Vandemoortel, Caroline Van Eccelpoel, Roeland Dudal, Joachim Declerck (Architecture Workroom Brussels, concept en content development)