N9 road verge, Eeklo
In the 2015 plan for aesthetic quality the current hard character of the N9 is presented as a boulevard with far fewer cars, where the through-traffic function has been redirected to a ring road. Tackling the road verge is a first step in this development, which is accompanied by a planned general review of mobility in and around the city. However, the city council did not want to wait for the ring road to make the N9 passage safer and more agreeable. In addition to the new planting on the road verge, this was preceded by the installation of a ‘winged’ zebra crossing and new road markings.
The transformation of the road verge into a green gallery was not achieved without a struggle; due to the drought, the planned planting of 100,000 perennials, bulbs and trees had to be postponed and a temporary flower mixture was sown instead. This initially led to criticism from residents regarding the untidy appearance of the ecological verge. Nevertheless, the new road verge is important in relation to air purification and provides added value in terms of biodiversity.
9900 Eeklo
biodiversity, mobility
cultural change
The impact of a central road verge
The impact of a central road verge
In anticipation of a total revision of Eeklo's mobility plan, a start was made on tackling the dreary central road verge on the N9, with the city council taking over management from the Roads and Traffic Agency.Central road verge in Eeklo
Work on the central road verge will be carried out with a 'mobile work unit' that moves along the N9, in accordance with the phased reconstruction work.
photo: AVS Oost-Vlaamse Televisie, 2020