Filter Café Filtré Atelier vzw
The PANO report in 2018, in which a Greenpeace investigation into the air quality in and around Brussels primary schools presented worrying results, led to major concerns and outrage among parents and school boards. School streets were closed every Friday morning, creating space for playful campaigns to draw attention to poor air quality and the precarious situation of active road users in the city. The flame soon spread to other schools in more than 30 cities. More than a year of campaigning has put the issue of air quality firmly on the city council's agenda. In one of the key points of the Filter Café manifesto, it argues not only for temporary school streets but also for the permanent redesign of public spaces. For this reason, the Filter Café Filtré Atelier was established. With the Atelier, Filter Café wants to put issues on the agenda in a co-creative way. Through design workshops, they zoom in on different places in the city. Recently, in collaboration with Bral, Heroes for Zero and AWB, the Andere Atelier was set up, in which this collective of citizen movements contributes to the Traffic Safety Action Plan with a Vision Beyond Zero. The workshops every time involve local residents, experts, architects, government services and other actors. The aim is always to develop constructive design proposals that fit into a car-free, liveable and climate-proof city.
mobility, care
good citizenship, cultural change, organisational form, solidarity
street, district
Fighting for clean air and road safety
© Filter Café Filtré
photo: Filter Café Filtré
photo: Filter Café Filtré
photo: Tim Van de Velde