Livestream from Brussels
Thu 10 June '21
Architecture Workroom Brussels
Round-table discussions: Towards a New European Practice
The aim of The Great Transformation 2020-2030 social initiative is to fill in the missing link: the lack of connections between the many experiments and practices in the field and the ambitious top-down goals. The starting point of this initiative is that we often tend to invest a lot of energy in developing plans and major agreements, while the real question concerns the shift to taking action. How can these great ambitions be implemented on our streets, in our neighbourhoods, industry, etc. How do we activate and support the various actors in carrying out these projects? The Great Transformation has the ambition to pool public, private and civil society strengths and expertise, to co-create acceleration strategies for strategic recovery and transition projects such as food parks, energy districts and future-oriented climate streets. Using the power of imagination, we form coalitions and formulate strategic sites that can be realised between now and 2030.
The first discussion of this afternoon is based on existing practices that provoke change or respond to the changing challenges. What kind of practice do we actually need most? In the second discussion we position the initiative of The Great Transformation in the context of a larger network of this type of environment to mobilise and accelerate innovative practices in order to achieve an implementation wave – the topic of the concluding discussion. How do we imagine and create the pathways towards the ambitions of the Green Deal? What are the necessary conditions for accelerating the shift to action?
The Great Transformation is an independent learning environment, incubator and public programme, initiated by a diverse group of social actors. It focuses on the concrete implementation of European and national recovery plans and the Green Deal, and is a partner initiative of New European Bauhaus.
13:00 – 14:15
Round-table 1: Architecture and Transition
With Dirk Somers (Bovenbouw Architectuur), Koen Wynants (Commons Lab) and Nadia Casabella (1010 architecture urbanism)
14:30 – 15:45
Round-table 2: Platforms for Practices
With Denis Cariat (Charleroi Métropole), Hanne Mangelschots (Architecture Workroom Brussels) and Mike Emmerik (Independent School for the City)
16:00 – 16:15
The Great Transformation: initiative and online platform
16:15 – 17:00
Round-table 3: Landing the Green Deal
With Alessandro Rancati (New European Bauhaus), Dirk Somers (Bovenbouw Architectuur) and Denis Cariat (Charleroi Métropole)
Moderated by Joachim Declerck (Architecture Workroom Brussels)