OCMW and City of Lier Social Policy

The City of Lier and OCMW Lier built a care campus around Het Schoppeke local service centre in the urban centre of Lier: the site combines large educational facilities, adapted housing for the elderly and other services. OCMW and the City of Lier wanted to create a part of the city where the demand for care for the elderly and the care provided by students would come together to provide informal and intergenerational neighbourhood care.

In 2018, the OCMW and the City of Lier opened Het Schoppeke local service centre on the site of a former residential care centre. In addition, about 100 adapted homes for the elderly were built at the site: 35 adapted homes for the elderly for the social housing company and 90 for the private market. In the nearby Beguinage, there is a high concentration of housing units for socially vulnerable people. A number of educational institutions, including the technical Sint-Ursula Institute, and a number of other organisations, such as TEJO Lier and Gasthuisgemeenschap De Brug Vzw, are located near the site. It means the OCMW and the City of Lier are shaping the development of a care campus with the local service centre as the offline neighbourhood hub.

This care campus focuses on informal care. Here, care is based on the informal support of the wider community in the neighbourhood. The care campus utilises the intergenerational potential of the proximity of the elderly and students. Students are employed to meet the care needs of the neighbourhood through community work or internship assignments. This is facilitated by the educational institutes. The right target groups are guided to this informal care network through home visits by the local service centre. A digital platform provides virtual support for the neighbourhood network’s operations.

The City of Lier's social policy team is responsible for managing the care campus as part of the local social policy. The team works with the OCMW in order to promote the cohesion of the care campus.

partners and actors
Lier Public Centre for Social Welfare (OCMW), City of Lier Social Policy Team
care, housing, learning
innovative aspects
policy innovation, solidarity
building, district

Activities of Het Schoppeke in the spotlight
The Lier Service Centre Het Schoppeke organises activities for the elderly in the neighbourhood, which are also supported by students from the various educational institutions in the area.

fileLocal Cooperation in caring neighbourhoods
Over the past two years, the Dr Daniel De Coninck Fund has supported 35 initiatives within the King Baudouin Foundation that contribute to caring neighbourhoods. VUB professor of Agogic Sciences Liesbeth De Donder evaluated the initiatives: participation is the cornerstone of caring neighbourhood projects.

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Local Cooperation in caring neighbourhoods

fileLier service centres programme, newsletter 8
The Lier Service Centres, to which Het Schoppeke belongs, provide an extensive neighbourhood programme every month, also during the pandemic. The programme focuses mainly on vulnerable groups and the elderly in the various districts.

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Lier service centres programme, newsletter 8