Opportunities for affordable densification are available not only in the heart of the city. The historical garden city of Homborchveld shows how the underused low-density residential landscape in the twentieth-century periphery of our cities and villages offers opportunities for residential densification strategies. This is the fourth expansion that Fernand Bodson's garden city will undergo already. A total of ninety social and middle-class housing units will be added by social housing company SLRB-BGHM and BINHOME on public land belonging to the municipality of Ukkel/Uccle. By rethinking the model of the garden city, the project designed by 51N4E and Coloco landscape designers presents the shared landscape as added value for local communities. It facilitates the integration of the new inhabitants among those already present while reinforcing the sense of belonging.
J. Divoortlaan
1180 Ukkel
51N4E, Coloco, BAS, Istema, De Fonseca, IVW, SLRB-BGHM, BINHOME
local development?