Brussels Northern Quarter Energy Coordination Platform
The Coordination Platform is part of the Brussels Northern Quarter transformation programme, in which the energy transition is used as a lever to achieve economic, ecological and social sustainability. A successful energy transition for Brussels requires a radical transformation of the technology and of business and organisational models that are used in the local energy sector, in order to bring about the necessary social and economic interaction between the different stakeholders. Local initiatives that already exist play a decisive role in this change. They are bundled at the district level and engage in dialogue with actors involved in the system. The Coordination Platform is a tool that offers citizens, private parties and local authorities the possibility of being directly involved in shaping the energy transition. The City of Brussels has commissioned Architecture Workroom Brussels and 3E to lead the start-up of the Coordination Platform, after which the City will appoint a coordinator.
The project is part of the European research project JPI PED ‘Cities4PEDs’, in which Brussels, Stockholm and Vienna exchange knowledge and expertise about the organisational level and the tools needed for Positive Energy Districts.
1000 Brussel
The City of Brussels, 3E, AWB
organisational form, policy innovation
Promenade Atelier in the spotlight
photo: Architecture Workroom Brussels, 2020

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Promenade Atelier Presentation
photo: Architecture Workroom Brussels, 2021
photo: Architecture Workroom Brussels, 2021

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Northern Quarter Atlas