© Tim Van de Velde
Pachecolaan 34, 1000 Brussel, 1st Floor
Thu 09 June '22 — Sat 11 June '22
Architecture Workroom Brussels
Register to the Opening Programme's events here
Opening Programme: Prefigurations
From 9 to 11 June the exhibition Prefigurations will open its doors for the first time, as part of the New European Bauhaus festival and the summer program of Brussels 2030. A public Opening Programme invites everybody to join the discussion on the future of our living environment and the role that architecture should play.
On Thursday 9 June, the exhibition will be inaugurated during the opening night. We will present the concept and the story of the exhibition. This is also the first moment where all participating practices and projects will meet and discuss the future of our living environment. A panel discussion will launch the debates.
Read more about the Opening Night here
On the day after the opening night, the 10th of June, the exhibition setting offers a workspace to bring together different actors during the Future Places Forum, an open series of conversations around pivotal questions on the Future Places, on the transformation of our living environment and on the role of architects and architecture. The Future Places Forum is set up in collaboration with the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam.
Read more about the Future Places Forum here
During the Weekend Programme guided visits through the exhibition will be organized for interested students, organizations, citizens, and other actors. Along the way, we reflect on the roles each of us can play in the societal transitions. Additionally, on Saturday the 11th of June, a thematic walk will guide you through Brussels to discover the existing seeds of architectural projects that make space for Future Places in Brussels.
Read more about the Weekend Programme here