© Tim Van de Velde
Pachecolaan 34, 1000 Brussel, 1st Floor
Pachecolaan 34, 1000 Brussel, 1st Floor
Date and time
Thu 09 June '22 — Sun 23 October '22
Thu 09 June '22 — Sun 23 October '22
Architecture Workroom Brussels
Architecture Workroom Brussels
More information
A special thanks to Architectura for highlighting several projects from PREFIGURATIONS.
A special thanks to Architectura for highlighting several projects from PREFIGURATIONS.
Exhibition: Prefigurations
> Browse the exhibition guide of PREFIGURATIONS
Today, the practice of (landscape) architecture is facing a paradox. On the one hand, the architectural practice of the Eurodelta is under the spotlight for its exemplary commissioning, sharp architectural criticism, and innovative design. On the other hand, the way in which we continue to build, take up more space, harden surfaces and consume materials and energy conflicts with the ambitious climate, circularity, and solidarity goals we have set ourselves as a society. The changes that our energy, water or food systems face are pivotal, and will need to take place in every building, neighbourhood, and public space. The design competences we possess in-house will have to refocus on embedding very abstract transition-related tasks in our everyday living environment.
Therefore, The Great Transformation 2020-2030 is launching Prefigurations: an exhibition on Architecture and Transitions. Together with a group of designers, consultants, economists, sociologists, public administration experts, cultural actors, transition experts and policy makers, an agenda of ten 'Future Places' was drawn up. These are ground-breaking projects that will need to be multiplied in the coming ten years if we want to realize the ambitious goals we set.
As a cultural innovation house for the social and the spatial transformation of our living environment, Architecture Workroom Brussels has launched a call for projects in the past few months. 40 concrete architectural projects have been selected for this exhibition by a selection committee. The showcased architectural projects disclose the seeds for the necessary social and spatial transitions which can be translated in different Future Places in our streets, neighbourhoods, cities, and landscapes.
The exhibition takes place in a former call centre in the Avenue Pacheco at the North-South junction in Brussels. The building is currently used by architecture and design firms, start-ups, an artists' collective and the research group of an architecture school - an ecosystem in which the exhibition settles as a workshop for practice innovation.
Therefore, The Great Transformation 2020-2030 is launching Prefigurations: an exhibition on Architecture and Transitions. Together with a group of designers, consultants, economists, sociologists, public administration experts, cultural actors, transition experts and policy makers, an agenda of ten 'Future Places' was drawn up. These are ground-breaking projects that will need to be multiplied in the coming ten years if we want to realize the ambitious goals we set.
As a cultural innovation house for the social and the spatial transformation of our living environment, Architecture Workroom Brussels has launched a call for projects in the past few months. 40 concrete architectural projects have been selected for this exhibition by a selection committee. The showcased architectural projects disclose the seeds for the necessary social and spatial transitions which can be translated in different Future Places in our streets, neighbourhoods, cities, and landscapes.
The exhibition takes place in a former call centre in the Avenue Pacheco at the North-South junction in Brussels. The building is currently used by architecture and design firms, start-ups, an artists' collective and the research group of an architecture school - an ecosystem in which the exhibition settles as a workshop for practice innovation.